Nationalist Approach of Indian Historiography

Nationalist Approach

Nationalist Approach evolved as a response to and in confrontation with the colonial approach. Before independence, this school dealt with the ancient and medieval periods of Indian history, and not the modern period. After independence, this school focused on modern India. R.C. Majumdar and Tara Chand belonged to this school.

Nationalist Approach played a vital role in Indian historiography since the 2nd half of 19th century. Indian nationalist historians tried to prove the falsity of colonial historical narrative on the basis of analysis of existing historical source and also they were also was raised as a political weapon to eliminate foreign rule in India. Ideological studies were regarded as a binding factor of Indian people and their sentiments. History was taken to means as a motivating force of national awakening and made use of to instill patriotic feelings. National pride played a big role in providing inspiration to common people and historical consciousness began to grow steadily as never before. 

The nationalist approach to Indian history can be described as one which tends to contribute to the growth of nationalist feelings and to unify people in the face of religious, caste, or linguistic differences or class differentiation. This approach looks at the national movement as a movement of the Indian people, which grew out of the growing awareness among all people of the exploitative nature of colonial rule. This approach developed as a response to and in confrontation with the colonial approach. It should be noted that the nationalist historians of modern India did not exist before 1947. Before 1947, nationalist historiography mainly dealt with the ancient and medieval periods of Indian history. 

However, in the last quarter of the 19th century, a detailed and scientific critique of colonialism for the adverse economic aspects of alien rule was developed by nationalists like Dadabhai Naoroji , M.G. Ranade, G.V. Joshi, R.C. Dutt, K.T. Telang, G.K. Gokhale and D.E. Wacha. The only accounts of the national movement was by nationalists leaders such as R.G. Pradhan, A.C. Mazumdar, J.L. Nehru, and Pattabhi Sitaramayya, R.C. Majumdar and Tera Chand are noted nationalist historians of modern India.

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